Friday, May 6, 2016

Cozy Moment Friday: A Mother's Day Tribute

A Mother's Day Tribute

You're probably scratching your head right now about this one. And I agree with you: there's absolutely nothing about the photo above that says either Cozy or Mother's Day. But for me, I can think of no better picture for this week's Cozy Moment Friday. 

You see, a little while ago, my mom came to visit me and we went to see this new art exhibit called Meow Wolf in Santa Fe. If you haven't heard of it, it's this crazy interactive art installation funded by author George R. R. Martin (of Game of Thrones fame). It's wild and wacky and a bit challenging to explain. It's got all sorts of mind-bending art pieces - refrigerators that open to other rooms, massive dinosaur bones that glow, giant tree houses, and plenty of other crazy things. 

The photo above was taken of this one area of the exhibit that looks like a life-sized electric underwater coral reef. It was so stunning to look at that we ended up staying a long time here, just enjoying the feeling that we had magically been transported to the ocean floor. 

Anyway, I picked this photo for the week's feature because it captures that fun, surreal moment, and because it reminds me of how lucky I am to have such a cool mom. Growing up, she always emphasized the importance of creativity and always taught me to think outside the box. And she's always encouraged and supported my writing since the very beginning - even back when I used to write silly animal epics about polar bears. She's such an inspiration, and in fact, my mom's one of the main reasons why I'm an author today! 

I'm so thankful to have her in my life, and that's why this strange and crazy photo made my cozy moment this week. 

What about you? What moment made your day this week? Share below in the comments section, and enter for a chance to win a free copy of Busted in Broken Hearts Junction: A Cozy Matchmaker Mystery (Book 2)!


  1. Love this #cozymoment Meg! That place looks unreal! My #cozymoment Friday was about family too! Just an overall feeling of thankfulness for their support in everything I do. 💙 have a great weekend!!

  2. Love this #cozymoment Meg! That place looks unreal! My #cozymoment Friday was about family too! Just an overall feeling of thankfulness for their support in everything I do. 💙 have a great weekend!!

  3. Meg, this moment you shared had me in tears.....I love how you and your mom are so close :)And what an amazing daughter you are to take her to MeowWolf!!!
